Chuck & Dorothy

Saturday, June 24, 2006

We had a great time touring the wineries in Napa. After the 4th of July, we will place our 5th wheel in storage and fly to Alaska for 2 weeks, then on to New Jersey for 2-3 weeks. Posted by Picasa

All the kids had a great time in the pool at Brittany's house during the birthday party. Posted by Picasa

The day after our party we celebrated our granddaughter Brittany's 16th birthday party. The cakes were made by our nephew Guy's wife Sandy. They looked great and tasted great. Posted by Picasa

Our good friend, Richard, was the guide for our ceremony and did the closing toast. He did an excellent job and we thank him very much. Posted by Picasa

Our brother-in-law Lou really enjoyed the Jelly Belly Factory. Posted by Picasa

Chuck's sister and her husband came from Florida for the party. We toured somewhere everyday. Trips to Alcatraz, Reno, Jelly Belly and Budweiser Factory, wine country, Golden Gate Bridge and visiting family wore her out.  Posted by Picasa

Our son Joe designed the balloon arch. With lots of help from the grandkids, they had it together in no time. Posted by Picasa

The cake was beautiful and tasted really great. Posted by Picasa

On June 17th, we celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary Posted by Picasa

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Today is our grandson's 6th birthday party.  Posted by Picasa

Today we met with our friends Ray and Edna Russell from Elko, NV. They were passing thru our area on the way to the ocean. We went to school with Ray and had not seen him for 40 years.  Posted by Picasa

We had guest spend the night with us last night. Our granddaughter Brianna and grandson Jose. This was their first time to spend the night with us in our RV. They were really excited. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Two boys and 2 girls were delivered at our daughter Lauri's house last thursday. They are all doing fine. They are Jack Russells. Posted by Picasa

Friday, June 02, 2006

Dorothy in the cargo area. It was a great demonstration of the C-17. Posted by Picasa

Anthony got to sit in the pilot's seat.  Posted by Picasa

Our grandson Anthony got to be with us today.  Posted by Picasa

This is a KC-10, inflight refueler. We have flown on this aircraft and enjoyed it very much. Posted by Picasa

Us. Posted by Picasa

It can also be set up to transport the sick and wounded. Posted by Picasa

This is inside of the cargo area. The seats along the wall is where we get to ride, with cargo in the middle. The grey tank up top is an additional fuel tank. Posted by Picasa

Today Travis Air Force Base had a display and demonstration of the C-17. It is the Air Force new cargo plane. Travis will take delivery in August of their first C-17 and will eventually have 13 stationed here. We had the opportunity of flying on the C-17 last year. Awsome airplane made by Boeing. Posted by Picasa